Make your own natural sunscreen

What if I tell you that most sunscreens are not helpful in avoiding skin cancer and may actually increase the chances of it?

Sound crazy, doesn’t it?

Research suggests that it is not such a crazy notion. I am certainly not encouraging you to not wear sunscreen or disregard your doctor’s advice. What I am asking you is to be an informed consumer, do your research, look at the actual facts and take proper precautions when it comes to sun exposure.

All I am saying is: Exposure to sun can be harmful; but sunscreen is not the only way to avoid it!


Before the onset of summer season, all these posters and advertisements start popping up everywhere about the importance of using sunscreen. Its breathtaking how widely acceptable the use of sunscreen still is, despite all the research condemning it.

Most sunscreens contain toxic ingredients like Retinyl Palmitate and Synthetic Fragrances or endocrine disrupting chemicals that in many cases can actually promote skin cancer growth and free radical production in the body. Many sunscreens also contain Oxybenzone, a known hormone disruptor that is not recommended for use on children.

Data suggests that since sunscreen use began, skin cancer rates have actually risen, and a 2007 document from the FDA stated that: “The FDA is not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer” In fact, many reports show that most sunscreens actually raise skin cancer risk.

You will be surprised to know that even natural, commercially available sunscreens often have toxic ingredients! You can check out your favorite brand here!


Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise among people of all ages. Lack of sun exposure is certainly to blame for it. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many types of cancers, heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure, and problems during pregnancy including pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and premature labor.

Since Vitamin D is so essential for our well-being, we should not cut off all sun exposure. Neither should we lather ourselves with chemical laden sunscreen to be able to soak up some sun. Our approach has to be moderate, and smart.


You need sun, but you also have to be wise about it. You don’t want to expose yourself to the point of burn. Depeding on your skin tone, type, your geographical location, season, and time of day, your need of sun exposure will be different.

Excessive exposure to sun can cause sunburn, irregular skin tone, dark spots on the skin, and reddish burned appearance.

Sure we want to enjoy the sun! Who doesn’t? But it is important to have proper protection.

So how can you enjoy the sun without over-exposure?

  • Wear a cap that protects your eyes and face from the sun. Skin on the face is very thin and a lot of more sensitive than other parts of your body.
  • Wear full-sleeves shirts and long skirts or pants if you are going to be in the sun for an extended period of time. You can wear thin natural fibers like cotton or silk since they are breathable and won’t make you feel suffocated.
  • No one can rationally argue that our ancestors were hiding from the sun or applying sunscreen. We are created to live and thrive under the sun. The trick is to know when we have had enough.
  • Oils naturally have SPF. The SPF rating is a measure of the fraction of sunburn-producing rays that reach the skin. For example, “SPF 20” means that 1/20th of the burning radiation will reach the skin. The higher the SPF, the less sun your skin will be able to absorb. Natural oils have just the right amount of SPF for our skin. What’s more…they are brilliant tanners. When going to the beach or the pool, rub Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, or Argan Oil—you will have the most gorgeous tan!

If you still prefer to use sunscreen, simply make your own. Its simpler than you think. Once you have made the first batch, adjust the quantity of ingredients according to your family’s needs.



  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup beeswax
  • 2 Tablespoons Zinc Oxide (Be careful not to inhale the powder).
  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • Optional: essential oils of your choice, vanilla or almond extract. (Do not use citrus essential oils since they increase sun sensitivity)


  1. Combine ingredients except zinc oxide in a glass jar.
  2. Fill a saucepan with a few inches of water and place over medium heat.
  3. Loosely place a lid on the glass jar and put it in the pan with the water.
  4. As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir occasionally to incorporate. When all ingredients are completely melted, add the zinc oxide, stir in well and pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage.
  5. Store at room temperature.
  6. This sunscreen is not waterproof and will need to be reapplied after sweating or swimming.

I understand if you don’t have the time to make your own or you prefer to buy pre-made sunscreen. Just make sure you do your research and buy from reputable companies that sell safe, organic product free of hazardous chemicals.

You and your family deserve clean, safe, and healthy products. My motto is simple: if you can’t find it, make it yourself!

Have you tried using natural sunscreen?

Are there any natural brands that you would like to recommend?