

Bones description

Tea protects our bones. A recent study suggests that tea may increase bone mineral density, which in turn helps prevent fractures and osteoporosis.

In the study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers surveyed 1037 men & women aged 30 + about their tea consumption. The researchers found that regular tea drinkers of more than 10 years had the highest bone mineral density (BMD), after considering sex, age, weight, and lifestyle variables that may affect BMD.

It didn’t seem to matter what type of tea the person drank, and neither did the amount of tea consumed. Only duration of regular tea consumption was an independent predictor of BMD score.

Tea contains several components, including fluoride and flavonoids, which may help to maintain or restore bone density.

In addition, tea has less caffeine than coffee (which can interfere with calcium absorption) and this is a healthier option.

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