Genital organs and their health is often neglected, even though they deserve just as much care as your heart, liver, and other important organs. Genital organs serve not only health related benefits, they are our pleasure organs as well which enhance the quality of your sex life and make it that much more enjoyable.

As we get older, the genitals, just like our eyes and skin, begin to feel the strain. There are multitude of products that can help mask the aging of the face and skin, but vagina has not received the same attention. Due to lack of education and an aura of taboo around the topic, many women neglect to take care of their privates the right way and overtime their vagina and vulva change beyond recognition.

Beginning as early as your 20s, you may begin to lose fat in your outer tissue above your vaginal lips. This causes the skin to sag, just like what happens with the breasts or face. Combine that with the stretching in your vagina due to sexual intercourse and we are looking at a major transformation of a sensitive part. Add to that the havoc menopause wreaks on a woman’s body. As a woman approaches menopause, the lining of her vagina begins to thin, blood flow decreases, pelvic floor muscles weaken and pretty much change the vagina she had once known beyond recognition.

This not only affects the appearance of the vagina, it also affects the ‘feel’ and many women begin to feel dissatisfied with their sex life. Good news is, a lot of this damage is preventable and somewhat (slightly) reversible.

Considering this is a sensitive topic which many women feel shy to discuss, we will give you a few simple tips on how to keep your vagina in optimal health.


Wear underwear made of cotton or other natural fibers. Avoid synthetic materials at all cost since they restrict the airflow and prevent vagina from breathing. This allows the humidity to build up which can cause dermatitis, eczema, and vaginal infections.


Pubic hair can retain germs and sweat which can be detrimental to vaginal hygiene. Removing the hair completely through waxing or shaving, or keeping them very short is best for the vaginal health.


Many women suffer from embarrassing problem of vaginal odor. This not only affects the level of confidence of women, it also affects their sexual life. To prevent this take showers twice daily and wash the vagina with a gentle soap. It is best to avoid antibacterial and highly alkaline soaps. Washing your vagina every two to three days with chamomile tea also helps prevent odors.

Another good practice is to wash your vagina with baking soda and salt solution. It is simpler than you think. All you need is 1 cup baking soda & ½ cup of sea salt.
Fill the tub half way with warm water, or enough to soak your private parts completely as you sit in it. Dissolve baking soda and sea salt and soak yourself in the mixture for 15 minutes or until the water starts to cool. While sitting in the tub move your legs forward towards your stomach, this will allow the water to flow into your vagina and clean it out. Do this once a week, or at most once a month after your periods end.
Word of caution: Wash the tub well and disinfect it as you don’t want any germs on the tub entering you.


Vaginal secretions and sweat are ideal grounds for bacterial to flourish. It is absolutely necessary to change your underwear daily, and twice a day during hot and humid days to avoid bacteria to develop. These bacteria can cause severe infections such as colitis, cystitis, and urinary tract infections. During menstruation, make sure to change your pad every 5 to 6 hours during normal flow and 3 to 4 hours during heavy flow.

If you spend long hours outdoors, use unscented cotton panty liners which you can change every few hours to keep your private area dry.


Tight fitting clothes restrict airflow thereby preventing the body from breathing properly. This keeps the vagina, and other parts of the body, to retain moisture and can cause skin problems as well as develop bacteria.


Avoid wearing underwear when you are at home, specially at night. Allow free airflow to your privates to let them breath.


There are innumerable products on supermarket shelves which claim to keep your vagina healthy and smelling good. The reality is not so rosy. These perfumes, sprays, and douches can cause pH imbalance in your vagina which can lead to infections. The best is to avoid these products and instead take regular showers and periodic baking soda + salt baths as mentioned earlier.


Detox ‘pearls’ are the new in-thing which are supposed to cleanse your most divine parts. Our advice is to not insert anything into your vagina, no matter what the company claims. Your vagina has a divinely ordained self cleaning system, pretty much like a self cleaning oven. Let it breath and keep its surroundings clean, and it will detox itself.


Women who are underweight can lose the youthfulness of their private parts much sooner than they should. The privates can become gaunt and thin, and the labia majora can also become saggy due to the loss of fat. Unfortunately, once you lose this fat, it is not possible to gain it back. So maintaining a healthy weight is very important to keep the youthful appearance and feel of your vagina.


Kegels are the best workout for your vagina. Unfortunately many women do them wrong. Here is how it should be done: Contract your pelvic floor muscle for five seconds, relax, and repeat. This should be repeated 100 times, three times a day. It is not as impossible as it sounds. Do it as soon as you wake up, while you are lounging in the afternoon, and before you go to bed. Discipline is the key here!

Another great workout for your vagina is the Swiss ball, also known as stability ball, yoga ball, or gym ball. Sit on a Swiss ball for 15 minutes a day, while watching TV or browsing the web, or even while working on your computer. This will force the pelvic floor muscles to contract, without you even trying, and keep them toned.


Sexual activity stimulates and increases blood flow to the vagina, which keeps the tissues healthy. Not only that, blood flow to the privates is necessary for lubrication and orgasm which may begin to decrease with age. Besides, practice makes perfect! The more you are sexually active, the easier it becomes to have pleasurable experiences and orgasms. So not only are you keeping your privates happy, you are actually keeping them healthy.

Following this comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts is sure to keep your lady parts fresh and youthful far beyond your years.

Tags: female, sexual, beauty, physical